While there have been improvements in the tech industry when it comes to inclusivity and diversity, there is still a considerable lack of women in this field today. According to stats compiled by BuiltIn, while “the percentage of employed women across all job sectors in the US has grown to 47%, the five largest tech companies on the planet (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft) only have a “workforce of about 34.4% women.”
With reports of bias and inequality, women seem to have a disadvantage in this field – a disadvantage that needs to be squashed. So, what can leaders do to hire more women in the tech industry?”
The answer might not be simple, but there’s a general consensus on the need for change. In addition to issues of fairness and representation, hiring more women in tech has a positive impact on the bottom line. According to hiremorewomenintech.com, Fortune 500 companies with at least three female directors have seen their return on invested capital increase by at least 66%, return on sales increase by 42%, and return on equity increase by at least 53%. Women have proven time and time again to have effective results, to have creativity and to lead with empathy, devotion and drive success.
Here’s What Leaders Can Do to Hire More Women in Tech
Here are some practical ways to hire more women in tech – and become more diverse and inclusive in the process.
1. Provide learning opportunities
There is constant learning and development that happens in the tech field and highlighting these opportunities will draw more women into the field. In addition, training your current employees can open new doors for them to advance within your company or into new tech roles. Fast Company recommends that to appeal to women in tech, companies should provide formal and informal training and development opportunities, tuition reimbursements, on-site learning and take a proactive approach in promoting women during the hiring process. According to LinkedIn’s 5th Annual Learning Report, the demand for training and learning in the workplace grew during the pandemic and the hours per learner jumped by 58% from 2019 to 2020.
2. Understand the women’s workplace experience
Fifty percent of women said they have experienced gender discrimination at work (BuiltIn). Women need to feel a sense of belonging at their workplace and this means that the company culture should be more inclusive and welcoming. Make the environment more inclusive with the tone and language you use in the office. Avoid activities that are “just for the boys” when it comes to work-related events. Additionally, aim to provide a more family-friendly culture with child-care assistance, nursing rooms and parental leave packages.
3. Focus on equality
Make sure your company provides equal opportunity to women and men. According to Girls Who Code, women quit their tech jobs at a 45% higher rate than men, due to a perceived lack of opportunity. Women should receive the same pay as men in the same position. Additionally, women should advance at the same pace as their male counterparts. Women should be able to see that they have equal access to development just like their male counterparts and the employer should focus and try to incorporate this in the company culture.
4. Demonstrate flexibility
The pandemic has shifted priorities and has made people realize the importance of flexibility. We all must balance our professional and personal lives, but women often bear more of the responsibility when it comes to childcare and eldercare. Offer flexible working hours, remote options and other benefits that can help women balance their professional and personal lives better, without fear of losing their jobs. Highlighting this in your company’s recruiting efforts will attract more women to apply to open positions and stay with your company for years to come.
5. Strategize diverse recruitment
Inclusivity and diversity begin with recruiting efforts. Make sure women are a vital part of your recruiting process. Evaluate your job descriptions and company messaging to make sure that women will be attracted to the company. Partner with recruitment firms that embrace diverse hiring practices and are focused on getting women into the tech field.
Be Open to Change
It has been proven time and time again that a lack of diversity negatively impacts creativity and profit. Being open and flexible is the way to move forward and foster a more dynamic team that will propel your organization toward success. As the times change, make sure you change with them and take proactive measures to stay inclusive and welcoming for women in the tech field.
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