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7 Tips to Stay Organized When Work Gets Busy

Being busy is great. But being organized when things get really busy is even better. No matter the industry or your role, there’s always a period of time when you might have projects piling up, multiple deadlines looming, and work that doesn’t seem to have an end. The good news is, there is a way to stay afloat with your projects. Our advice? Mind your schedule and keep your priorities clear.  

In order to work smarter, you need to develop your organizational skills and form good habits by making an effort every day. There are tools, workflow management systems and simple checklists that can help you manage your time and keep stress at bay. 

7 Tips to Help You Stay Organized

Here are seven helpful tips that will keep you organized and inspire you to form healthy habits when it comes to organization. 

Tip #1: Use a to-do list 

Isn’t it extremely satisfying to cross something off a to-do list? Keep that feeling going by getting organized with a checklist of all the tasks you need to do for the day and week ahead. You can prioritize this list from most important tasks to ongoing tasks and give yourself the satisfaction of crossing things off as you complete them. Instead of keeping a mental note of everything, a to-do list helps you see everything that needs to be done in an organized manner, so nothing falls through the cracks. 

Tip #2: Prioritize your inbox 

One of the simplest (yet a little overwhelming) ways to stay on top of things is to keep your email inbox at a manageable place. Avoid allowing it to get to a point where it’s overflowing and just seeing new notifications makes you stressed. Create folders and set up prioritized folders so everything can be filtered accordingly. Some emails might not need a response, some might be junk and some might need your attention. Sort and filter these accordingly and schedule some time during the day purely dedicated to going through your emails. 

Tip #3: Create a daily routine 

You need to have a daily routine to prep for the day. Don’t just grab your laptop in bed but freshen up and follow a morning schedule to start things off with structure. Make sure you take breaks during the day including taking time to eat a proper lunch. You need to keep yourself hydrated as well as give your brain and body nourishment and exercise. This could mean starting early to incorporate changes or re-arranging your day to make time for meals and breaks, but make sure to practice a healthy routine to keep yourself motivated and productive. 

Tip #4: Find a workflow that fits 

Break up your project into all the tasks that need to be done from start to finish. Create a workflow that works best for you (and your team) and one that can be managed. A good workflow will also outline what everybody needs to do and what are higher priority tasks compared to others. Having the right workflow is a great way to keep track of the status of the project, what tasks still need to be done, and how to best prepare for the next step. 

Tip #5: Form quick decision-making habits 

It’s time to brush up on your decision-making skills and keep indecisiveness at bay. Staying organized means you don’t spend too much of your valuable time trying to make minor decisions. Lower-priority decisions should definitely be made quickly, freeing up time needed to be spent on more important decisions. When you train yourself to make decisions quicker, you not only save time but also the stress of overthinking.  

Tip #6: Stay on top of the little things 

Trust us, the little things do matter. Whether it’s accepting meeting requests to bring down your messages or getting laundry out of the way before bedtime, staying on top of the little things will help you manage the stress of a very busy work week. If there is anything you’re constantly putting off, take this opportunity to finish it up and get it out of the way. You’ll feel much better after you accomplish a task that you have been avoiding. 

Tip #7: Keep your space clutter-free 

A cluttered workspace can immediately lead you to feel overwhelmed. It’s known that where and how we work can affect our productivity. If you’re looking to be a little more organized, you want to start with your office or workspace first. Everything has a home: loose pens should be in a pen holder, papers in folders, and everything else in desk drawers or stacked neatly. It will make a world of a difference to your mind and productivity if you operate from a clean and organized workspace. 

Get Organizing Today! 

Using these tips and tools can help calm your nerves and help you feel more productive because you don’t have the mental clutter of all the tasks that need to be done. It’s important to take care of yourself during any particularly busy season by prioritizing your mental health and wellness as well. 

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