Congratulations on your new degree! Take a moment to appreciate this accomplishment before you even start thinking about looking for a job. You may be nervous about transitioning out of college life to adulting full-time. Or perhaps you went back to school to finish your degree and you’re starting a new phase in your career. The good news is that there are numerous resources and opportunities waiting for you right at your fingertips. All you need is a little willpower and a good strategy to get started on your job search.
Job hunting can often take a stressful toll, especially when you may feel like you’re not hearing back from companies or getting feedback that you need more experience. After all, this could be your first “real” job or your first position in a new career path. We’re here to tell you that the labor market is on your side. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate is currently low, at 3.5 percent, with the size of the labor force at its highest level ever.
Best Job-Hunt Tips for Recent Graduates
Follow along for some simple yet effective tips to help you in your job search. Get prepped by gathering all your accomplishments and experiences.
1. Sharpen your resume and cover letter
The first thing you need to take time to do is clean up your resume (or build it from scratch if you don’t already have one). Look over some templates of resumes in your industry or seek advice from your university’s job center. You need to have a resume filled with all your accomplishments, experiences, certificates and degrees, and anything else that is relevant to the role you are going for.
Additionally, work on cover letters that are specific to the job for which you’re applying. Cover letters are a great way to show off your personality and get into a little more detail about yourself and your background. Keep in mind to tailor both your resume and cover letter specific to the business and the role you are applying for.
2. Comb your social media
Now that you’re entering (or re-entering) the professional world, you might want to go through your social media platforms and take down anything that may not be professional or show you in a good light. Here’s a rule of thumb: if you must question it, take it down. If you’re not ready to let go of some photos, make your profile private so that the whole world doesn’t have access to your memories.
Additionally, take some time to work on your LinkedIn profile. Add your experiences and get your profile up to date with your accomplishments. Update your profile picture to a professional headshot. You don’t have to spend any money on this – you can take one yourself.
3. Network with your peers
College is a great place to establish a strong professional network. Use this time to network with your peers and teachers so they can connect you with contacts in the industry you are trying to get into.
As you connect with like-minded individuals and industry leaders, you will not only have the opportunity to learn about what kind of career you might want to pursue but also gain career advice as well as potentially land an internship from someone looking to hire!
4. Create a routine
This one’s important. You don’t want to get burnt out by job hunting. Make sure you have a set routine where you continue to exercise, eat healthily and take breaks to spend time with your family and loved ones.
Your job-hunting sessions should be productive, and you should set realistic goals of how many jobs you want to apply to, what research needs to be done, and who you need to connect with to continue to expand your network.
5. Contact a recruiter
Staffing firms and recruiters are great resources! Recruiters will help you by understanding what you’re looking for and match you with a role in the industry and company that might be the best fit. Recruiters have connections with many clients and businesses, and they will help put your best self forward to the employer.
When working with a recruiter, you must always be honest and share anything that can be helpful in your job search. Recruiters will support you and work hard to find the best fit.
6. Research your industry
You cannot job hunt blindly. You need to conduct research on your chosen industry and seek out information on hiring trends, which companies are hiring the most and any other factors that may impact jobs today and in the future.
Make sure you are up to date with the current trends, as this may come up in your application or interview. Employers want to know that their candidates are well-versed in the field – something especially important when you don’t have much experience.
7. Be open to different opportunities
Don’t be closed off to internships if you’re searching for entry-level roles. Oftentimes, internships are a great way to start your career, especially in competitive companies and industries. This experience can also teach you a lot and set you up for success in the future.
Additionally, don’t be afraid to try out new opportunities that might not have been on your radar. You might end up discovering a new professional passion.
Now that you’ve been prepped for your job hunt, don’t be afraid to learn new things and take a chance on a good opportunity. This is your time to find out what you like and what career path you want to be on. You might even stumble across different industries and roles that you may enjoy!
Whether you’re a recent graduate, new to the job market, or an experienced professional looking for a new career, Ultimate Staffing is here to help! We connect job seekers at all stages of their careers with great opportunities. Contact us today.